Monday, September 28, 2009

TaLkInG pOiNtS #2

"Teaching Multilingual Children" by Virginia Collier

1. "Teachers must be creative and flexible, serve as a catalyst for discovert as students learn to operate effectively in their multiple worlds, be able to mediate and resolve intercultural conflicts, keep students on task, and serve as a support base. (pg.223)"

-I couldnt agree more with this quote. Teachers shouldnt just assign work to students. The teacher should think of creative, fun, hand on activities for the class. These types of activities make children want to learn. Group work, asking questions, communicating with others is always much more fun than just being handed a worksheet. Be a coach more than a boss. Support and guide students in the right direction. Dont just give demanding orders.

2. "The student, because of conscious or unconscious emotional or social factors that keep him or her from taking in maximum input at the same time, may miss other input. (pg. 225)"

-Sometimes people seem to forget this. Some students, no matter the age, have many issues going on at home. Students who dont have tons of stress and worries outside the classroom are able to focus better. An example would be a family on welfare who is struggling day by day. The student may come to class hungry, and this will serve as a distraction from learning and staying focused. Being bullied and picked on is another example that may make a student lose focus in the classroom. Teachers need to keep this in mind, and do their best to make sure students are getting all the input that they should be getting. Have a bond with each of your students, so they feel comfortable to tell you some of their personal issues. Maybe you could help.

3. "One kind of code-switch is conversational, which can be a signal "that the students feel a common bond among themselves and a teacher." To allow the child to express him/herself can motivate the student, which encourages learning. (pg.230)"

-A teacher who doesnt bond with her students makes the students "scared." Thats what i believe from my personal experience at least. If a teacher is accepting of all her students and/or has conversations with them, the student will feel comfortable. This feeling will allow the student to want to learn. They will want to succeed to make their teacher feel proud of them. Allowing the student to tell you about him/herself, will make them feel good about themself. The feeling that their teacher truely cares about them, will make them want to strive to succeed. These feelings will make students feel like they have a place and role in the classroom.

In conclusion, their are many things to keep in mind when dealing with ESL students. Dont dismiss their native language. Let them use it. Make your students feel at ease in the classroom. Bond with them and coach them in the right direction. Have diverse books in your classroom so students can relate to them. Have students share past experiences, and communicate with eachother. Be an open minded, accepting of all kind of teacher :). Watch how your students will excel with the biggest, warmest smiles on their faces.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Talking Points #1

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
By: Peggy McIntosh

1. "I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assests tha I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was "meant" to remail oblivious. (pg.1)"

-I agree that the whole issue of whiteness being a "privilege" remains oblivious to many people. Its not until you stop, and think about how a white person deals with certain things compared to a person of color. Simple things that many people take for granted such as relocating because of a job. How are your new neighbors going to treat you? How will you coworkers treat you? White people may not always realize it, but they do have unearned assests that they can count on from day to day just because of their skin color. Even though we are really all the same.

2. "...ones' life is not what one makes it; many doors open for certain people through no virtues of their own. (pg.4)"

-Doors open for many people simply because certain qualities follow the "norm" of society. It can be a persons race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and so forth that sets them apart from others. Whoever follows the norm of society, has a better chance of getting the job, or getting welcomed, or whatever priveldge may be. People shouldnt be looked down upon because they were born a certain way. Everybody SHOULD be given equal opportunity to acheieve success. Although we have come a long way, we are not there yet.

3. But a "white" skin in the United States opens many doors for whites whether or not we approve of the way dominance has been conferred on us. (pg.6)"

-Even if you dont agree with being treated differently than someone else just because of your skin color, doesnt mean you dont have to deal with the issue. Rather than trying to ignore the fact that because your white, more doors open for you, you should accept this and do something about it. See how far being privlege can get you, and then stand up for what you know is right. Voice what you believe in and help people of color get the justice that they deserve.

4. Keeping most people unaware that freedom of confident action is there for just a small number of people props up those in power and serves to keep power in the hands of the same groups that have most of it already. (pg.6)"

-We cant just sit back and let the same people keep controling our nation with their views on certain issues. We need to understand that everybody has a voice and everybody should use it. Be confident. Stand up for what you believe in, and do something about it. Take chances. Takes leaps. You may have to take two steps back, to take one step foward. But, you will get there with faith and determination.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Other Childrens People by Lisa Delpit

"Other Peopole's Children," by Lisa Delpit was very powerful, just like Johnson's piece. Delpit speaks her minds and talks from her heart. There are many sections throughtout this article, where people of different races talk about their personal experiences dealing with white people who are also in the school system. These help you get in the head, outside of your personal box, and understand something from somebody elses point of you. Whenever you read something, as Johnson said, you should keep an open mind. This allows you to better understand everybody else's point of view, and you may find out that you actually agree with them.

Delpit says many times throughtout this article that (white) people, want things to be their way. They dont care to listen to your side or your view since they are convinced that their view is the only correct way of seeing something. When they do "listen" they arent actually listening. They just nod as if its going in one ear and out the other. "They listen, but they dont hear" (pg.21). I agree with this. With personal experiences, when trying to let somebody understand where im coming from, they just nod and pretend to agree. But once our conversation is over, they forget about what you said and just focus on their own beliefs. How is that allowing yourself to grow? You should understand everybodys point of view, wiether you agree with it or not. As Johnson said, you shouldnt fear the unknown, but rather you should fear what you think you know. People think that they know everything about everybody but in reality they dont. Instead, they should get to know the person for who they are on the inside. Not dismiss them due to their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and so forth.

When teaching in the classroom, Delpit stressed many issues such as direct instruction, allowing students to feel as though they're "experts", giving children a voice in the classroom, and so forth. These issues all fall under her 'culture or power' theme. In classrooms the issue of power needs to be addressed, rules for participating with that power, and rules of culture. If your not familiar with that culture the teacher should tell you the rules of that culture so you dont feel uncomfortable or left out. Those who are in power need to know that they are since often they dont. Usually those who know who have the power, are those who have the short end of the stick and are powerless.

Teachers shouldnt teach in a way that students feel as though the teacher is a drill sergent or boss. Rather, the teacher should teach in a manor that students feel as though s/he is more of a coach. A teacher can do this by, helping students one on one, having group work where the teacher goes around from group to group coaching them on what to do if they are struggling. Creating lesson plans where students are dealing with hand on activites, that way students arent getting lectured all class. Allow the students to talk and feel as though they have a voice and belonging in the classroom. Teachers shouldnt just hand out worksheets and assignments to children. More teahers need to make learning fun! Make students want to learn. Its all in the way you teach.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


There are a few things I would like to say, because an injustice act was done towards me today and It kind of bothered me. Firts off, I am gay. For those of you who think I choice this, I didnt. Dont you think If i did have a choice, that I would choice the easier road? Secondly, I am not embarressed about being gay. Its who I am. I am out to family and friends, and I am accepted by them all. They all love me for me, and just want to see me happy no matter what that means.

When I got out of work today, I realized that my car had been egged because of an equality sticker that I put on my bumper a few weeks back. I know thats why they egged it because the sticker itself was egged, and none of the other cars in the lot had eggs on them.

Some people are so closed minded! There was no need for people to participate in actions such as these.

As Johnson said in the assigned reading, "That means there is no way to talk about it without difficulty and without pain. It is possible, however, to talk about it in ways that make the struggle and the pain worth it" (pg.13).

I am not going to let injustice actions like this put me down. Im going to make the struggle worth it by standing up for what I know is right. Im not going to hide who i am and give into society. Instead, Im going to get involved and prove to people that there is nothing wrong about equality amd homosexuality.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello =]

My name is Tara Gianfrancesco. Yes, that is quite a long last name lol. When I was little I had trouble remembering how to spell it, so i made a song and would sing it whenever i needed to write it haha. Im 100% italian. I have many family members who live in Italy and my grandma has a house there. Usually my family and I go to visit every other summer. If you have never been, I recommend so. Its extremly relaxing and slow pace.

So far my semester is going okay. And yes, just okay. I went to Elms College in Springfield MA for three years. So transferring back home your senior year isnt fun. Especially when you have an annoying 14 year old brother at home. But, I hope to make some friends here and get involved on campus. The parking situation is extremly lame! It takes me forever to find a spot so latelly ive just been parking in guam and walking. Hopefully its gets better because that wouldnt be fun to do in the winter.

When im not in class, I work for my dad. He owns a diner down the street from RIC. STOP IN! Best breakfast around! Ha and lunch too. Its on Douglas Avenue. You can also find me at the gym. A goal of mine is to one day compete in a tri athelon so lately ive been running and biking as much as I can. Didnt work the swimming into the ordeal yet, but I have lots more training before I can compete, thats for sure lol. I love to relax as well. I have a puppy at home named Wallie who is a cairn terrier (toto from the wizard of oz). He is actually quite the little devil.

Well thanks for reading my blog. It was fun =]